Hello everyone!
Just a little note to start. It's been a while since I made a post because i was right bang in the middle of my GCSE's but thankfully I've now finished school but then i did go away with the NCS (National Citizen Service) and enrolled and started college so i had no free time whatsoever, but now i have decided to allocate a day to my posts (which will be a Thursday) so that I'm not overwhelming everyone and myself with posts! and it works around my college timetable very well as i have a Thursday off which will give me more than enough time to make great posts for you!
Thankyou for your patience in getting back into my blog posts i hope you all stick around for some new good stuff :-) if anyone has any requests of what they would like me to review i have a twitter account (@jayneelsewhere) where you can tweet me with suggestions!
p.s for everyone asking i passed nearly all my exams with 7 B's 5 C's 1 D and 1 E :-)